A repository of ideas about books, movies, martial arts, cooking, politics and living in Canada

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Journey Continues

Here's a slice from my Journey to Black Belt Poster (I think I'll release it in serial form...)

My Second Degree Black Belt approaches with alarming speed and still I am wondering if I am ready. I received my black belt at DeSantos in November, 2007 and have been teaching at the school almost ever since. That fact has made my journey to Second Degree a bit different from others – my time and focus are split between being a teacher and being a student, which presents some unique challenges.

The path to second degree is a challenging one often because it is somewhat obscure. From White belt to First degree there is a pretty clear picture laid out for you and instructors to help you learn curriculum, improve technique and increase your fitness. But afterwards almost everyone has to answer a rather difficult question: Now What? “You mean I only need to learn 4 forms in the next couple of years to qualify for second degree? That seems a bit too easy...”

Of course that’s not it at all, but we have to figure that out ourselves. Part of the process of growing into the belt we get to wear, is deciding what we want to make of our time here. And that is difficult for a great many people, which is why I believe that you see a drop off in attendance after people receive their first degrees. I went through my first Power Weekend with 19 other people. I’m going to go through my second Power Weekend with one of them, and there are really only three or four others of that group who are still training regularly at the school. That’s a pretty high attrition rate, but not at all uncommon. It makes the journey a bit harder, because you have fewer people to share it with, fewer people who understand what you are struggling with, and fewer people whose loads you can lessen.

Part 2 coming soon...(or soon to be available for complete viewing at DeSantos Martial Arts Studio, 210 Main Street)

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