So I don't think they planned it to happen for the start of Toronto's Pride week, but yesterday New York State became the largest state in the union to allow LGBT couples the basic right that EVERYONE else has had (although it may only be L/G, I'm not sure about the B/T until I read the bill).
Sound the applause. But it begs the question, why is this taking so long? It was last summer that a California court struck down that state's anti-same sex marriage act in one of the best examples of bullet-proof reasoning by the presiding judge.
The slow march towards equality for my friends and neighbours is quite frustrating to watch. And even in this city and country where I live there are frustrations that crop up (like a mayor who doesn't think participating in one of the city's largest events justifies sacrificing some family time for what everyone else considers a mayoral duty).
Sometimes having patience and taking the long view of things is very tiring. This morning I'm relating this news from New York, and my reaction to it, to how I'm feeling and dealing with my latest injury. Yes, it is getting better (I think), but it's hard to tell some times, is often painful and why is it taking so long to heal? Sometimes when you are going through something painful it's hard to tell if things are getting better, or to have the patience required to be happy about whatever progress you are making.
But if you want to read about a real struggle, and the courage of everyday life, please take a look at my friend's brilliant blog about her journey through breast cancer. It will make you weep, and laugh and take great pride in what she has been able to do.
How hard can it be?
1 year ago